HOME PHYSICIAN AND ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MEDICINE The biggy of the late 1800's. Clearly shows the massive inroads in medical science and the treatment of disease.
ALCOHOL AND THE HUMAN BODY In fact alcohol was known to be a poison, and considered quite dangerous. Something modern medicine now agrees with. This was known circa 1907. A very impressive scientific book on the subject. |
DISEASES OF THE SKIN is a massive book on skin diseases from 1914. Don't be feint hearted though, it's loaded with photos that I found disturbing. |
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Synonyms.—Osmidrosis; Stinking sweat; Fr., Bromidrose; Ger., Stinkschweiss.
Definition.—Sweat secretion of an offensive odor, either pri marily or secondarily from some change after excretion.
Symptoms.—While bromidrosis is most frequently associated with increased secretion (hyperidrosis), it is not necessarily so. The whole body sweat of some persons, even if normal in quantity, pos sesses a heavy, disagreeable odor, and this is habitual with them, and is even noticeable, but naturally to a less extent, immediately after bathing. In most instances coming under observation the regions commonly involved are the axillae, genitocrural regions, and feet; the last is most frequent, or is the one for which advice is generally sought. As a rule, it is associated with increased sweating, but this may not be unusually large in amount, as observed in hyperidrosis; it is sufficient in most cases, however, to keep the stockings and shoes damp and the soles of the feet moist and sodden looking. In other instances the secre tion is excessive. In addition to the symptoms sometimes presented in cases of hyperidrosis—tenderness, puffiness, pinkish-red periphery, oc casionally with vesicles or blebs at the sides of the foot, just on or close to the edge of the sole—there is an intense, penetrating, characteristic odor, pathognomonic to one who has once known the smell. It is hard to describe, and has been variously likened to the odor of an uncared-for goat, putrid cheese, stale urine, etc A room or car in which such a patient is or has been soon becomes offensive, and the odor holds for a long time after his exit. The axilla is also often the seat of abundant perspiration with disgusting smell, but never to the same extent nor of the same penetrating and peculiar character as that of the feet.
Etiology and Pathology.—The same factors are to be consid- sidered etiologic in this disease as in hyperidrosis, to which it is closely allied. Chlorotic, anemic, and nervous individuals are its most com mon subjects. It is more frequent between the ages of twenty and forty, and in those who are obliged to stand a greater part of. the day, and whose life is within doors. The ingestion of certain drugs is known to give the sweat peculiar odors—some not necessarily offensive. Thus the odors of asafetida, sulphur, onions, garlic are noted in this secretion as well as exhaled by the lungs; musk, copaiba, benzoic acid, etc, also are de tectable in the perspiration. Hammond1 recorded several cases of nerv ous disorders in which the odor of violets and pineapple was given off during paroxysms or emotional attacks. It is known, too, that in various systemic diseases the sweat secretion has an odor peculiar to each, as in smallpox, cholera, typhoid, etc2
1 Hammond, “The Odor of the Human Body as Developed by Certain Affections of the Nervous System,” Med. Record, 1877, vol. xii, p. 460.
2 See admirable paper by Monin, “Sur les odeurs du corps humain," Paris, 1885, full abstract translation in Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1885, p. 211. This considers the various human odors in health and disease, and from certain foods and drugs, and in individuals of different climes and nationalities.
Hebra believed that the odor does not reside in the sweat as secreted, but that it is due to some chemical change after excretion, and this doubtless is true in most instances. Thin1 also took this view, and was, moreover, of the opinion that the odor is not in the feet themselves, but in the socks and shoes, in which the secretion has soaked, and in which develop bacteria—Bacterium fœtidum—in large numbers. Accord ing to Crocker, similar micrococci can generally be found between the toes without accompanying bromidrosis. Parkes2 looks upon the foot- wear as the cause, as it has been noted that soldiers with uncovered feet never present the disease. The most probable source of the odor is the decomposition of the fatty acids of the sweat, to the rapidity of which the Bacterium fœtidum may materially contribute; the sweat secretion containing some oil, as Unna and Meissner have pointed out.
Prognosis and Treatment.—As the troublesome cases of bromidrosis, those associated with increased sweating, are probably closely analogous to hyperidrosis or, in most instances, simply examples of the latter with the secretion undergoing rapid decomposition, spon taneously or from an added external bacterial factor, the prognosis is essentially the same as in that disease. The foot cases, which are, as a rule, those which apply for treatment, can always be much benefited, and if an acquired condition of not too long duration, a cure is usu ally possible. Absolute cleanliness—frequent ablutions—and frequent change of the foot-wear are essential; the subject of the affection should have several pairs of shoes, changing daily, so that the pair worn can be aired or remain unused for a few days before they are again worn. The treatment is practically the same as that employed in hyperidrosis (q. v.), the best plans among those there named being with boric acid powder and the ointment method. Thin strongly commended the treat ment with boric acid; his plan is as follows: The feet are frequently washed with a saturated solution of boric acid; the stockings changed often, and washed in the solution and dried; cork soles, which are also soaked in the solution and dried, are worn in the shoes; and powdered boric acid dusted freely in the stockings and shoes. This is an effectual plan in some cases, and beneficial in all, lessening or completely abolish ing the disagreeable odor.
Various other methods are, however, frequently resorted to. The Germans, especially for use in the army, extol a solution of chromic acid of 5 to 10 per cent, strength; according to action and severity of the disease it is painted on once in three to six weeks; it should be used with care. For the milder cases and as a preventive measure they also com mend anointing with a 2 per cent, salicylated mutton suet. Duhring states that a solution of potassium permanganate, 1 to 3 grains (0.065- 0.2) to the ounce (32.), used as a wash, often acts happily.3 The for-
1 Thin, Brit. Med. Jour., Sept. 18, 1880, p. 463.
2 Quoted by Hyde and Montgomery, Diseases of the Skin, seventh ed., p. 135.
3 Weiss, “Hyperidrosis Pedum and Its Treatment by Baths of Permanganate of Potash,” Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc, Aug. 6, 1904, also lauds this old remedy highly, both in hyperidrosis and bromidrosis; using it nightly as a foot bath, ankle deep, for fifteen minutes; the next morning applying freely a dusting-powder consisting of 13 parts potas-
maldehyd lotions referred to in Hyperidrosis are valuable, and to be tried in obstinate cases. Grosse1 and Ullmann2 speak well of a powder of 1 part tannoform and 2 parts talc, both in hyperidrosis and bromi- drosis; the parts are first washed and then the powder applied freely. In obstinate cases Grosse uses a plaster made with 25 per cent, of tanno- form, and prefers it to Hebra’s plan with diachylon ointment. Upon the whole, the most effectual plans in my experience are those with the continuous ointment application, and Thin’s method, with 3 to 10 per cent, of salicylic acid added to the powder. Instead of the ointment, strapping with diachylon plaster can be practised. For particulars as to ointment method and for other plans sometimes employed the reader is referred to the article on Hyperidrosis. For offensive sweating in the axillae and in the genitocrural region the powder and lotion applications there referred to are prescribed. X-ray treatment is sometimes helpful in regional cases.
Constitutional treatment, when demanded, is according to indica tions, chlorosis, anemia, etc, receiving their appropriate remedies. The several special drugs advised in Hyperidrosis can also be experi mentally tried, among which Crocker considers the best to be sulphur.
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