HOME PHYSICIAN AND ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MEDICINE The biggy of the late 1800's. Clearly shows the massive inroads in medical science and the treatment of disease.
ALCOHOL AND THE HUMAN BODY In fact alcohol was known to be a poison, and considered quite dangerous. Something modern medicine now agrees with. This was known circa 1907. A very impressive scientific book on the subject. |
DISEASES OF THE SKIN is a massive book on skin diseases from 1914. Don't be feint hearted though, it's loaded with photos that I found disturbing. |
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Synonyms.—Tinea, trichophytina; Trichophytosis; Microsporosis; Dermatomycosis trichophytina; Fr., Trichophytie; Ger., Herpes tonsurans; Scherende Flechte.
Until somewhat recently ringworm in all its types and in all situa tions was thought to be due to one fungus—the trichophyton. And yet the admirable work of Sabouraud, independently pursued but a few years back, and by which the plurality of the fungi causing this malady was established, was, as this distinguished investigator sub sequently ascertained and generously pointed out, practically an elab-
oration of what Gruby had indicated fifty years previously, and the significance and brilliancy of whose discovery during all this interim had remained not only unappreciated, but unrecognized.1 The term “porrigo decalvans” which he applied to the scalp disease caused by the small-spored fungus—the microsporon Audouini—previously em ployed by Bateman to designate the malady now known as alopecia areata, led to the erroneous belief that Gruby had this latter affection in view, and hence his supposed fungus, always looked for in vain by others in alopecia areata, was soon considered purely mythic. Sa- bouraud’s brilliant investigations, however, have placed Gruby’s work in an entirely different light. One of Gruby’s fungi was independently discovered by Malmsten in 1844, and denominated by him trichophyton tonsurans. The common belief was that this fungus was one of the com mon molds, but Thin and, since, others have shown that it is a specific fungus. The trichophyton was gradually accepted by most dermatolo gists as the etiologic factor in all ringworm cases, and this view continued to be held until the result of Sabouraud’s studies was announced. Sa- bouraud, who has done so much in the investigations of the fungi, based his earlier classification upon the size of the fungus elements, their rela tions to the hair-shaft and root, and their resistance to potassium hydrate solution. His classification then consisted of two main divisions: (1) the small-spore fungus, or microsporon; (2) the large-spore fungus, or megalosporon, or trichophyton. He further divided the trichophyton or megalosporon class into two varieties: (1) megalosporon endothrix, or trichophyton endothrix, commonly referred to as “endothrix,” in which the fungus is found inside of the hair-shaft; (2) megalosporon ecto- thrix, or trichophyton ectothrix, commonly referred to as “ectothrix,” in which the fungus is found outside and chiefly on the surface of the hair-shaft; as not infrequently in this latter variety the fungus is found also in the hair, especially in the cortical portion, it is more recently spoken of as “endo-ectothrix.” The megalosporon endothrix, or tricho- phyton endothrix, was further divided into two subspecies: (a) resistant variety and (b) fragile variety; the former practically unaffected by potassium hydrate solution, and the latter more or less disintegrated by it. The megalosporon ectothrix, or trichophyton ectothrix, had several or more subvarieties. In the endothrix variety the stage of invasion of the hair by the fungus is short, so short that it may be easily missed, but there are certain exceptions, as sometimes this invasion stage is noted to be prolonged, so that at first this fungus may be mis taken for an endo-ectothrix. Sabouraud, therefore, divided the endo- thrix into two subvarieties, the true endothrix and the neo-endothrix, the latter comprising those with the long invasion stage. For all practical purposes the classification distinctions as just outlined seem sufficient for textbook and teaching.
Later investigations by Sabouraud disclosed the fact that the
1 Bazin, Recherches sur la nature et le traitement des teignes, Paris, 1853, confirmed Gruby’s observations; and in 1891 Furthmann and Neebe, “Vier Trichophytonarten,” Monalshefte, 1891, vol. xiii, p. 477, advocated the plurality of the causative fungi, and described four varieties.
etiologic fungi were in reality in much larger number than had been originally supposed, and that it was not possible to identify them all by the differences referred to; moreover, he found that some of the tricho- phyton ectothrix had small round spores that might be mistaken for the microsporon variety. These reasons led to the necessity of establishing other more certain means of individual identification; and the most convenient for the purpose was the culture, designating each variety of the fungi by the most striking character or feature of its growth in culture- flasks; the division into the two main classes remaining, however, the same. According to these later studies by Sabouraud, more than forty varieties of these two classes of fungi have been found associated with ringworm, eleven of the microsporon, and over thirty of the trichophy- ton; of these, twenty-eight are rarely seen, and of those remaining, there are only about eleven which occur with sufficient frequency to be mentioned here; most of the cases, in fact, being found due to five or six varieties—two of the microsporons and about four of the trichophytons.1
The Microsporons.—Ringworm when due to the microsporons is sometimes designated microsporosis. The microsporon Audouini, of human origin, is chief of the microsporon or small-spore group, and is the important etiologic fungus in children; most institutional scalp epidemics of ringworm are due to this fungus; on the other hand, the family epidemic is probably more commonly due to the microsporons of animal origin. The microsporon Audouini is well-known in England, in our own country, and in France, becoming less so in France as the neighboring borders of Italy, Spain, and Germany are approached; scarcely being found at all in these latter countries, nor in Sweden, Denmark and Austria, and elsewhere. The other three somewhat important ones of this group are the microsporon felineum and its closely related species, microsporon lanosum (microsporon canis of Bodin), both of animal origin, and the microsporon tardum, of human origin; these three are found to be etiologic in a small proportion of cases in England and France. In our own and other countries, so far as I am aware, no investigations bearing upon any of the microsporons except the micro- sporon Audouini are on record. The microsporons, especially the micro- sporon lanosum, according to Darier, are occasionally responsible for tinea circinata. The scalp patches due to the microsporon Audouini (and it is almost wholly a scalp parasite) are usually of the sluggish, well-defined, round or oval, scarcely visibly inflammatory type, with fine scales of a gray slate or ashen color, and with many short hair-stumps. The mi- crosporons of animal origin present similar sluggish lesions on the scalp in children, sometimes with slightly perceptible inflammatory signs, and the patches may extend on to the adjacent non-hairy surface; they usually show an erythematous areola. In children and adults they are the cause of some cases of tinea circinata and occasional cases of tinea of
1 See Sabouraud’s classic work, Les Teignes, the most complete and exhaustive yet published on the subjects of ringworm and favus, and rich in illustrations. Jack- son and McMurtry’s book on Diseases of the Hair, 1912, presents Sabouraud’s views on the subject somewhat at length.
the bearded parts, although in this last region it is now generally thought that the microid variety of trichophyton ectothrix may have been mis taken for the microsporon.
The Trichophytons.—Ringworm when due to these fungi is some times designated trichophytosis. The most important endothrix tricho- phytons, designated according to Sabouraud’s new naming by a culture characteristic, are: the trichophyton crateriforme (endothrix, resistant), trichophyton acuminatum (endothrix, fragile), trichophyton violaceum (endothrix, resistant), and the trichophyton cerebriforme (endothrix (neo- endothrix), resistant). These endothrix trichophytons are believed to be of human origin; they seldom provoke active inflammatory symptoms; they, especially the first three named, are responsible for almost all the cases of trichophytosis of the scalp, the lesions, as a rule, being small; they are usually the etiologic fungi in the disseminated and black-dot varieties; to this group also, especially the last three, are due some cases of ringworm of the glabrous skin and of the beard, and to the trichophy- ton acuminatum and trichophyton violaceum, almost all nail cases. Beard cases are, however, doubtless due most frequently to the trichophyton cerebriforme, this variety also attacking the glabrous skin and scalp; on the glabrous skin it frequently gives rise to erythematous patches, sometimes beset with vesicopustular lesions, and often impetiginous crusts; on the bearded regions it may present similar conditions, with small follicular abscesses also; on the scalp patches due to this fungus are usually rounded, faintly erythematous, also slightly elevated, cov ered with yellowish-gray scales, beneath which broken, bent, and twisted hairs and sometimes stumps are seen. In many cases of trichophyton ringworm of the scalp the hairs of the patch are not affected so generally as in microsporon cases, so that in children with long hair the disease is often overlooked or mistaken for a seborrheic condition. The ecto- thrix (endo-ectothrix) trichophytons are divided into two classes, those with small spores and those with large spores—the microid class and the megaspore class. The ectothrix trichophytons are believed to be, either directly or indirectly, of animal origin. They almost always provoke considerable inflammatory reaction, and are usually responsible for many cases of kerion and for kerion-like lesions. on the scalp and bearded regions; the neighboring cervical lymphatic glands may become swollen. Of the microid trichophytons the trichophyton asteroides is the most im portant, the lesions from which, usually first erythematous, develop into follicular, pustular, and kerion formations. Of the megaspore ectothrix trichophytons those most frequently encountered, although rather rare, are the trichophyton rosaceum and the trichophyton ochraceum. The former is usually responsible on the glabrous skin for the segmental and incomplete circled reddish lesions; on the bearded regions the lesions due to this fungus are generally small and somewhat disseminated, the hair is apt to be broken off short and each hair or hair-stump surrounded at and slightly within the follicular mouth by a minute keratotic dry scaly cone, presenting a rough resemblance to keratosis pilaris. The other of this group, the trichophyton ochraceum, may provoke on the glabrous skin or bearded parts erythematous scaly circles or round
patches, which may become vesicular, pustular, nodular, or kerion-like; it is met with most frequently in those who have to do with cattle.
It has been found (Castellani, Pernet, Sabouraud, Whitfield) that the fungus, epidermophyton inguinale,1 of eczema marginatum (tinea cruris) is in many ways distinct from the ordinary ringworm fungi. It had always been supposed to be one of the usual ringworm trichophytons, but unlike any other species of this class—in which, however, Sabouraud places it—it never attacks the hair. It is also the pathogenic fungus in some cases of eczematoid and vesicular and vesicobullous eruptions on the hands and feet; this fungus is thought to be of human origin. Other investigators, among whom are Jamieson, Adamson, Colcott Fox and Blaxall, Unna, C. J. White, Malcolm Morris, Castellani, Whitefield, and others, have all added to our knowledge of these pathogenic fungi, and practically accept Sabouraud’s conclusions. Rosenbach, Krösing, Ullman, Waelsch, Leslie Roberts, Pelegatti, Ducrey and Reale, and others, whose studies and observations have also contributed to our knowledge, did not wholly agree with Sabouraud’s original divisions of the fungi, or with his views that each fungus tends to produce always a special clinical type of disease, but one can, I think, say that today Sabouraud’s bril liant work and conclusions rightly hold sway.2
The features, character, and behavior of ringworm vary consider-
1 Castellani, Brit. Jour. Derm., 1910, p. 149, believes that so far three varieties of the epidermophyton have been identified: (1) Epidermophyton cruris (Castellani, 1905), synonymous with epidermophyton inguinale (Sabouraud, 1907), trichophyton cruris (Castellani, 1905), and trichophyton Castellani (Brooke, 1908); (2) epidermophyton Perneti (Castellani, 1907); (3) epidermophyton rubrum (Castellani, 1910), synony mous with trichophyton rubrum (Castellani), and epidermophyton purpureum (Bang, 1910).
2 The reader desiring to pursue further the investigations and mycology of the ring worm fungi is referred to the following valuable publications and papers: Sabouraud, “Contribution a l’étude de la trichophytie humaine,” Annales, 1892, p. 1061; and his later and more complete publication, Les trichophyties humaines, Paris, 1894; Rosen- bach, “Ueber die tieferen eiternden Schimmel-erkrankungen der Haut und deren Ursache,” Wiesbaden, 1894; Leslie Roberts, “The Present Position of the Question of the Vegetable Hair Parasites,” Brit. Med. Jour., 1894, ii, p. 685; and “The Physiology of the Tricophytons,” Jour. Pathol. and Bacteriol., 1895-96, vol. iii, p. 300; Adamson, “Observations on the Parasites of Ringworm,” Brit. Jour. Derm., 1895, pp. 201 and 237; Colcott Fox and Blaxall, “An Inquiry into the Plurality of Fungi Causing Ringworm in Human Beings as Met with in London,” ibid., 1896, pp. 242, 291, 337, and 377; and “Some Remarks on Ringworm,” Brit. Med. Jour., 1899, ii, p. 1529; Bodin, “Des teignes tondantes du cheval et leur inoculations humaines,” These de Paris, 1896; Aldersmith, Ringworm and Alopecia Areata, fourth ed., London, 1897; Malcolm Morris, Ring worm in the Light of Recent Research, London, 1898; Chas. J. White, “Ringworm as it Exists in Boston,” Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1899, p. 1; Bodin and Almy, “Le microsporum du chien,” Receuil de méd. vétérinaire, 1897, p. 161; Suis and Suffran, “Note prelimi- naire sur le microsporum lanosum du chien,” Annales, 1908, p. 151; Sabouraud, “Iden tification du microsporum lanosum (Sabouraud, 1907) au microsporum caninum (Bodin and Almy, 1897”), Annales, 1908, p. 153; Sabouraud, “Nouvelles recherches sur les microsporums,” Annales, 1907, pp. 163, 225, 236, and 369 (with review, references, nu merous text cuts, and 2 plates—cultures); Sabouraud, Suis, and Suffran, “Fréquence du microsporum caninum ou lanosum chez le chien et chez l’homme,” Annales, 1908, p. 321 (3 case illustrations (dogs), 15 case recitals (dogs), and cultures with review of the sub ject and references); and Sabouraud, “Les trichophytons faviformes,” ibid., 1908, p. 609 (with plate showing cultures, several illustrations, and pertinent references); Colcott Fox, “A Further Contribution to the Study of the Endothrix Trichophyta Flora in London, Illustrated by a Collection of Cultures and Photographs,” Brit. Jour. Derm., 1909, p. 271; Favera, “Sur l’état des trichophyties de la Province de Parme (Italie),” Annales, 1909, p. 433 (with review and references); and Sabouraud’s Les Teignes.
ably according to the part involved, whether it be the general, non- hairy surface, the genitocrural region, the scalp, or the bearded region. In a measure the anatomic conditions and physical peculiarities of these various regions are responsible for the difference in the clinical pictures, although in the light of recent research it is not unlikely that they are also to some extent to be attributed to the special fungus which may be etiologically involved. The symptoms and diagnostic characters can best be described under the several regional headings.
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